THEATRE BATTERY produces experimental plays for the suburban community of Kent, Washington.
We aim to nurture our audience's understanding of the connection between theatre and relevant social issues through the presentation of contemporary works in nontraditional settings.
As Kent's only source of theatre operating outside of an educational institution, Theatre Battery tasks local artists to create socially testing and unapologetic work that ignites the community.
In collaboration with audiences, artists, and fellow businesses alike, we envision providing our region with a vital outlet for artistic reflection and invigoration, one that champions the tremendous diversity of Kent and Western Washington.
We envision serving an audience with access to new material otherwise kept exclusive to urban centers, while growing as a professional home for emerging and established artists from around the Sound.
Theatre Battery Tries to Make a Film Festival
Placeholder text for our 2020 Project updates.
Collaborate with us button will probably not actually be used (since I’m assuming it’ll be used for audition signups on future projects).